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XML references - XML XPath

XPath is a XML language used for accesing nodes and node-sets of a document. ...

XML references - XML XPath functions

XPath uses many integrated functions used to create and operate expression.

XML references - XML XSLT

XSLT is a XML language used for creating other XML eligible type documents

XML references - XML and style sheets

CSS files can be integrated within XML, or applied via XSLT. ...

XML references - XML XLink

XLink is a language that is used to link XML documents.

XML references - XML XPointer

XPointer is a language that is used to link to fragments of XML documents. 

XML references - XML XPointer schemes

XPointer has other functions associated to itself. These are listed below:

XML references - XML, DOM and methods

Document Object Model as part of XML defines objects and properties of an XML document.

XML references - XML Document interface

The Document interface contains methods and properties that apply to entire XML document. The nodeType value is 9.

XML references - XML DocumentType interface

The DocumentType interface contains methods and properties that apply to XML document's doctype. The nodeType value is 10.