The pause properties may be specified as pause-before and pause-after or as shorthand for both, the pause property.

The properties pause-before and pause-after specify when exactly a pause should appear, before or after speaking out a content.

Pausing before and pausing after

The pause-before and pause-after properties contain following information:

  1. value: <time>, <percentage> or inherit;
  2. initial: 0;
  3. applies to: all elements;
  4. inherited: no;
  5. percentages: depends on speech-rate property;
  6. media: aural;
  7. computed value: time.

The value time specifies the pausing time in milliseconds or seconds and the value percentage is connected to the speech-rate property in sense that its value is actually the inverted value of the speech-rate property.

The pause is inserted between the element's content and any cue-before or cue-after content.

Pause property

The property pause is the shorthand for above mentioned properties.

The pause property contains following information:

  1. value: [[<time>, <percentage>]{1,2}] or inherit;
  2. initial: depends on individual properties;
  3. applies to: all elements;
  4. inherited: no;
  5. percentages: depends on individual properties;
  6. media: aural;
  7. computed value: depends on individual properties.

If two values are given, the first one refers to pause-before property and the second one is pause-after property. If only one value is given then it will be applied to both of these properties.


CSS pause property example:


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