This page is describing the attributes assigned only to "auxiliary" form group of HTML5 elements. By "auxiliary" we refer to elements that do not necessarily belong to <form> element stadard sub-elements and attributes. To learn more about the new HTML5 form attributes, return to the previous chapter.

Attributes and related elements:

name attribute:

<keygen>, <output>

keytype (rsa, dca, es) attribute:


autofocus attribute:


form attribute:


challenge attribute:


disabled attribute:


for attribute:


Attribute characteristics and purpose:

name attribute:

  • <keygen>: specifies the name of the <keygen> element
  • <output>: Specifies the name of the <output> element

keytype (rsa, dca, es) attribute:

  • <keygen>: specifies which security algorithm will be used

autofocus attribute:

  • <keygen>: tells browser whether the <keygen> element will get an automatic focus after page loads, or not; the value is autocomplete

form attribute:

  • <keygen>: specifies form or forms that the <keygen> element belongs too; the value is form_id
  • <output>: specifies form or forms that the <output> element belongs too; the value is form_id.

challenge attribute:

  • <keygen>: defines the <keygen> as "to be challenged" when submitted.

disabled attribute:

  • <keygen>: a standard disabled value that most of the form element have; it disables the <keygen> element.

for attribute:

  • <output>: used as a pointer that specifies which element (or elements) the <output> element is linked to; the value must be that element's id attribute or, if more than one, ids separated by empty space.


Example with keygen element's attributes:

Example with output element's attributes name and for:


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