JavaScript has a built-in Math object with properties and methods that are used for numerous mathematical functions.
Here is the list of Math properties and methods:
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- Math.random()
- Math.min(num1, num2, num3 ….)
- Math.max(num1, num2, num3 ….)
- Math.round(num)
- Math.ceil(num)
- Math.floor(num)
- Math.abs(num)
- Math.exp(num)
- Math.log(num)
- Math.acos(num)
- Math.asin(num)
- Math.atan(num)
- Math.atan2(num1, num2)
- Math.cos(num)
- Math.sin(num)
- Math.tan(num)
- Math.pow(num, x)
- Math.sqrt(num)
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- Math.E
- Math.LN10
- Math.LOG2E
- Math.LOG10E
- Math.PI
- Math.LN2
- Math.SQRT1_2
- Math.SQRT2
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