To change data of an already created table UPDATE is used. The UPDATE statement combined with JOIN can update a TABLE with the records of other table. JOIN such as INNER JOIN, LEFT/RIGHT JOIN, or SIMPLE JOIN can work individually or in conjunction with UPDATE.
UPDATE table
SET Col_Name1 = table2.Col_Name1,
Col_Name2 = table2.Col_Name2?..
FROM Table1 t1
INNER JOIN table2 t2 ON table1.Col_Name1 = t2.Col_Name1
WHERE Condition for Join;
In this example there are two tables with columns Col_Name1 of table 1 and Col_Name2 of table 2 having same values. To update table1 with values of table2 where Col_Name1 values are greater than 100, SET the other columns of table2 and JOIN table2 with table1 ON Col_Name1, WHERE values of Col_Name1 are greater than 100.
INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Col_Name1 = Table2.Col_Name1
SET Col_Name2 = Table2.Col_Name2,
Col_Name3 = Table2.Col_Name3
WHERE Col_Name1 > 100;
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