List of PHP array functions

the arsort() function The arsort() function sorts out associative arrays in descending order.
the asort() function The asort() function sorts out associative arrays in ascending order.
the count() function The count() function counts all elements in an array.
the explode() function The explode() function splits an array into strings.
the implode() function The implode() function joins elements of an array.
the is_array() function The is_array() function checks if a variable is inside an array.
the krsort() function The krsort() function sorts out associative arrays in descending order according to key.
the ksort() function The ksort() function sorts out associative arrays in ascending order according to key.
the rsort() function The rsort() function sorts out arrays in descending order.
the sort() function The sort() function sorts out arrays in ascending order.
the unset() function The unset() function removes a variable from an array withou changing index.