Latest Tutorials

DOM Level 2 Core for XML

In DOM level 2, specifications were added to allow creat...

The DOMParser Type

An XML file can be parsed into a

The XML Serializer Type

The XMLSerializer type converts a DOM document to a XML string. This type is used to perform a reverse operation of DOMParser. To serialize a DOM docume...

DOM Level 3 load and save parsing methods

DOM Level 3 has introduced specification to load

DOM Level 3 XPath

XPath (XML Path) is an XML based coding standard that is used to locate

The XSLTProcessor Type

XSLT is a technology which uses XPath&n...

Detecting browsers with JavaScript

There are a number of web browsers available today (and have been for long time), with each of them...

Detecting platforms with JavaScript

The platform or OS of client machine can be determined with the navigator.platform obje...

Detecting mobile devices with JavaScript

To make the script compatible for mobile phone or tablets, we can rely on navigator....

Detecting capability with JavaScript

Capability detection refers to checking a web-browser and collecting information of the features it supports (or doesn't). It is different from