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White space property

The white-space property defines the usage of white space in a text line and how the white space is to be handled. The white-space property contains following info...

Table model

The CSS table resembles the HTML 4 table model and it consists of

Table's visual formatting

Tables can be assigned as both, block-level and

Table's layout and its width

Generally speaking a table is made of six layers that in the combination with the chosen styling, make a CSS table layout. These layers, appearing hierarchically, are: table, column groups, col...

Table content's height and alignment

The height of a table may be defined by the height property for table

Table borders

There are two ways of defining table borders with the CSS 2. The first way is suitable for the borders around

Pseudo-elements :before and :after

With the pseudo-elements :after and :before it is possible to specify the locati...

The content property

The property content in combination with pseudo-elements :after...

Quotation marks

The property quotes in combination with content property is used to sp...

Lists and list types

HTML list related properties are used to further style the ordered and