Latest Tutorials

Introduction to HTML5 multimedia

Multimedia term refers to multiple media formats, and online multimedia thus refers to all that information presented in different media formats we are so used to watch, listen or download from Int...

HTML5 <video> element

The video element of HTML5 allows us to embed video content into websites in a standard manner. Before HTML5 videos were played (embedded) through a third party, let's...

HTML5 <audio> element

The audio element of HTML5 as well allows us to embed video content into websites in a standard manner. Before HTML5 sounds, music, and so on, were being played (embedded)...

The <source> element

The source element is used to specify multiple media resources if more than one media element is being used. The <source> tag may be used for both,

The <track> element

The track element may be used to define which text track to attach to a media element, whether it's an

The <embed> element in HTML5

The embed element was initially introduced by the Netscape 2.0 browser and...

The input element and new input types (<input type="" />)

The <input> element is not a new element in HTML5, but deserves a special page because the HTML 5 has introduced new input types. The original input types were explained in the

Datalist element (<datalist>)

The datalist element may be used to predefine a list of options for a pre-defined input elemen...

Keygen element (<keygen>)

The keygen element was initially introduced by Netscape and later accepted by other browsers. The keygen element is intended to provide a safer way to authenticate users;...

Output element (<output>)

The output element is intended to be used to represent a result of a calculation or a user action. This element may be easily used in combination with JavaScri...