Latest Tutorials

Core attributes (id, class, style, title)

The core attributes may be assigned to almost all HTML elements. They can...

Element's type, name and value (type, name, value)

The type attribute is used in those elements where there are possibilities to assign one of a few different pre-defined controls or content types of the element The name a...

Internationalization or 'i18n' (lang, dir)

The i18n attributes help in the internationalization of the web by letting a developer spec...

Language and characters (charset, hreflang)

These attributes offer additional information about the character sets and

Accessibility & descriptions (tabindex, accesskey, alt, rel, rev, longdesc, summary, datetime, headers, scope, abbr, axis)

These attribute have purpose of helping browsers "understand" better the elements and their purpose in the document's flow. Sometimes they are used to help non-visual rendering of the...

URI sources and location references (ref, src, longdesc, usemap, target, nohref, cite)

URI related attributes are used to define a link between a current element and the destination element or a reference. In other words it contains an

Physical properties (shape, coords, ismap, width, height, rows, cols)

Most of the attributes used to explain physical properties or element's placement (position) have been deprecated and replaced with

Tables styling (frame, rules, border, cellspacing, cellpadding, align, valign, char, charoff, span, rowspan, colspan)

This group of attributes contains only those used for HTML table styling. Related elements: frame attribute:

Frames styling (noresize, marginwidth, marginheight, scrolling, frameborder)

This group of attributes contains only those used for HTML frames styling. Related elements: noresize attribute:

Embedded objects (classid, data, archive, codebase, codetype, declare, standby, valuetype)

This group of attributes contains only those used for processing media objects in HTML. Related elements: classid attribute: