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What is document object model (DOM)

We have already spoken about the DOM in other chapters ("Beginning of DOM" and "

The Node types in JavaScript DOM

In JavaScript's document object model (DOM) explains HTML elements as nodes

Manipulation methods of JavaScript DOM

The nodes can be manipulated individually by any of the methods listed below. appendChild(); The appendChild()&...

The Element type in JavaScript

The element type is a specific type of the node represented by a HTML/XML tag and can have attributes and methods associated with them. Elements...

The Attr type in JavaScript

The attr type represents the attribute elements of HTML. This type is implemented in all browsers. It i...

DOM methods for HTML attributes

DOM - HTML Elements The HTMLElement interface directly represents all...

The Text type in JavaScript

The text type represents the plain text of an HTML document's element, which may or may not include escape...

The CDATA-Section type in JavaScript

The CDATASection is required when the document has to be parsed as XML. These situations are specific to XML ba...

The Comment type in JavaScript

The comment type represents the content of comment within <!---  ---> symbols in a

The document type in JavaScript

The document type is the document object which represents entire HTML page and can be access...