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Column rule color property (column-rule-color)

The column-rule-color property sets the color of the rule between columns.  Syntax: selector {         ...

Columns property (columns)

The columns property is a shorthand property for column-width and

CSS3 transitions and transition property (transition)

CSS transitions provide of doing simple animation with CSS based properties, and without using JavaScript or a 3rd...

Transition property itself (transition-property)

The transition-property property is used to specify the CSS property that the transition effect will be applied to.

Transition duration property (transition-duration)

The transition-duration property sets the duration of a transition and takes time values in seconds (s) or

Transition timing property (transition-timing-function)

The transition-timing-function property controls the relative speed of the transition over the

Transition delay property (transition-delay)

The transition-delay property, often used as part of transition shorthand, is used to define the time to delay the start of a transition.  Syntax: selector {

CSS3 transformations and transform property (transform property)

CSS transformations give us the ability to perform basic manipulations on elements in a viewport.

Differences between 2D and 3D properties and methods

What separates 3D transforms from

Transform origin property (transform-origin)

The transform-origin CSS3 property lets you modify the position origin for