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CSS3 2D transform methods (translate(), rotate(), scale(), skew() and matrix())

The CSS3 2D transformations have five methods to choose from. These methods are translate(), rotate(), scale()...

CSS3 3D transform methods (translate3D(), rotate3D(), scale3D() and matrix3D())

The CSS3 3D transformations are similar to 2D ones,...

Transform style property (transform-style)

The transform-style property is used to specify how nested the elements will be in a 3D space. Syntax: selector {      tran...

Perspective property (perspective)

The perspective property provides perspective to 3D transformed element and controls the amount of foreshadowing, or in other words it lets you define the perspective on how a 3D element i...

Perspective origin property (perspective-origin)

The perspective-origin property sets the origin for perspective proper...

Backface visibility property (backface-visibility)

The backface-visibility proprty is used in combination with the

CSS3 animations and animation property (animation)

The CSS animations (animation properties) are used to create animated elements, and replace embedded software such as

'The keyframes rule (@keyframes)

The @keyframe rules are used to define an animation in a gradual mode of movement. The keyframes describe the state of properties at each stage of the animation. Optionally, they also spec...

Animation name property (animation-name)

The animation-name property defines the name (or comma-separated names) of @keyframes...

Animation duration property (animation-duration)

The animation-duration property defines the duration of one automation cycle, and it is set as seconds or milliseconds. If multiple times are specified, they’re applied to the animat...