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Managing MySQL triggers

MySQL Triggers can be viewed, manipulated and deleted once it is created. The trigger file can be viewed using SELECT/SHOW statements and in data/databaseFolder/tableN...

Scheduled Events in MYSQL and how to work with them?

In MYSQL, tasks can be scheduled to run at particular date and time. These tasks are called events. The

What are MySQL views and when to use them?

A distinct way of looking at database data is called a VIEW. A VIEW is a virtual table of the result set obtained from a MySQL statement (rows and columns of a vir...

Create views in MySQL

The VIEWS is representation of a data from one or more tables. Data can be extracted from tables using statements like

Modifying views in MySQL

The VIEWS once created can be modified using ALTER s...

Managing views in MySQL

Following operations may be done on VIEWS after creating it: Update View A VIEW can be updated

Aggregate functions in MySQL

The aggregate functions are built-in functions of MYSQL which are used to return a single value after calculation of values in a column. Main aggregate functions and their example...

String functions in MySQL

String manipulating group of functions are a very important and very often used part of MySQL pre-defined functions. The following sub-chapters show a most common string functi...

Flow functions in MySQL (if(), ifnull(), nullif())

The MYSQL generally includes 3 pre-made functions that are considered to flow functions. These pre-made fucntions are explained in sessions below.

Date and time functions in MySQL

The date and time functions are used to add date and time values in valid formats. The main functions and their descriptions are listed below: