Latest Tutorials

Matching rows from different tables with INNER JOIN clause

The INNER JOIN clause let us match rows with same columns from two different tables. Following rules have to be applied to use the INNER JOIN clause: It mus...

Matching data from different database tables with LEFT JOIN (RIGHT JOIN) clause

The LEFT JOIN clause allows us to match...

Creating Table where table joins itself with Self JOIN

The SELF-JOIN is relationship where the match fields are in same table. Here a table is joined with itself when table has a

UPDATE a database with values of another database by JOIN Clause

To change data of an already created table UPDATE is used. The UPDATE statement

DELETE Statements and JOIN clause

In some situations, where the data to be deleted are known only after combining databases with ...


When user wants to delete data from child tables, whenever the data is deleted from parent table, on

Introduction to MySQL Character Sets and Collation

What is a character set and what is collation? A character set is a set of symbols and encodings, whereas, collation is a set of rules to compare characte...

Character sets in MySQL

MYSQL supports multiple character sets such as Chinese, Russian, Latin, Korean ?etc. The character sets supported by MYSQL can be viewed using SHOW CHARACTER SET; statemen...

Collation in MySQL

The collation represents the set of rules to compare the characters in a character set....

About stored procedures and what are they?

MYSQL 5 has introduced the feature called stored procedure, which is a set of SQL statements which can perform repetitive task. The stored proc...