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The while statement (while)

The while statement is a loop executing kind of a statement used to pre-test flow conditions. The while loop statement is called a

The do-while statement (do...while)

The do...while statement is a loop executing kind of a statement used to post-test flow conditions. The do...while loop statement is called a ...

The for statement (for)

The for statement is a loop executing kind of a statement used to pre-test code's flow conditions. This type of a statement is the...

The for-in statement (

The for-in statement is used to return a property or properties of an object. The syntax looks like this: for (property in express...

The break and continue statements (break, continue)

The break and continue statements offer additional control over the code execution inside a

Labeled statements (label)

Labels are common technique across the programming world and JavaScript is no exception. The labels or label statements are often used with the

The with statement (with)

The with statement sets the scope of the code within a

The arrays in JavaScript

The arrays are, as in other languages, widely used in JavaScript but unlike with those languages, in JS arrays can contain any type of data.

Conversion methods (toLocaleString(), toString(), valueOf(), join())

As with objects, arrays have same methods...

Stack methods (push(), pop())

One of the key features of arrays is that they act like a structure of stacked data.