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RegExp object methods

There are three methods used by a RegExp instance. They are:

Introduction to date and time in JavaScript

The date reference type in JavaScript is based on Java's lang...

Basic Date reference type methods

As with all other reference types there are a few methods that are naturally inherited by the Date type. These are:

Date and time conversion methods

Most of the methods available for working with the Date type (object) are used for direct setting or retrieving specified parts of the date or time values and they are Date

Introduction to primitive wrappers in JavaScript

The primitive or special reference types in JavaScript ar...

The Boolean type of primitive wrappers

The Boolean type is the reference type that corresponds to the Boolean value. To cr...

The Number type of primitive wrappers

The Number type is the reference type that corresponds to the numeric values. To cr...

The String type of primitive wrappers

The String type is the reference type that corresponds to the

The objects in JavaScript

The object types are very important part of JavaScript as they allow programmers fully engaging in OOP (object oriented programming). Properly applying OOP en...

Object Oriented Programming (OOM)

Programming done using data and methods as bundle of objects is called Object Orien...